Yesterday we did a jeep excursion which included a misleading walk along the beach, it should have been described as barefoot rock climbing, and that was the easy part because once in a while the tide would come in over the rocks that we were standing on. The beach we hiked to was called Trinadad Beach, it was worth the 'hard' work. It wasn't actually hard, but I prefer to add a little drama. We sat and enjoyed the sun for a few hours and then were off to see some falls, which were water dribbles really. We walked over them on a swing bridge, fun stuff and watched as some dared to go into the cold water. Down the river there was a young man rock surfing down the falls. It was awesome! Some girls, Kat and Sponge went down on their bums. I would have but I didn't feel like being cold and wet on the way home. The last part of our tour was a visit to a Caipira Distillery where they make the booze that goes into our Caiporinia's. I got a cinimon flavoured bottle that tastes like Christmas.
That evening Stevo, Ria, Carolina, Stacey, Freddy and I went out dancing until the wee hours of the morning. As usualy Steve and I were the last home, he had to drag me off the dance floor at 5 am, I didn't wnat the fun to end. The next day it was time to say fairwell to Steve he was off to the doctor in Lima. Had a great night but legs felt like jello the next day, totally worth it. The next day was also when I was given my nick name - Crazy.
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