The flight here was unlike most and without incident... no one died, no one threw up constantly, nothing out of the ordinary. Well I guess no incidents is out of the ordinary for me, but I digress...
I was the first to arrive, followed by Sponge and Guava. If you didn't know I went to London to reunite with the girls I met (and fell in love with) in South America last year. The first hotel we stayed at was so luxurious, we had views of lovely brick layer work and a bathroom that actually converted into a shower! Amazing I know. All you had to do was drop the curtain and Viola! Shower. The beds were also interesting, they must have been Chinese as according to Guava she had acupuncture in her sleep from the springs. The second day we checked in to a much less elegant Hotel.. the Sheraton Park Hotel, with views of Hyde Park, porters, robes, oh and cleaning ladies!!

As for London, as we have all been here our main objective is to spend time together. So other then Camden Town (above) which I hadn't been to before, we aren't really doing anything touristy. Unless bar hoping is considered touristy. Seriously we've gone from cafe to bar, rinse... repeat.
Oh I almost forgot speaking of rinsing, the water pressure at the Sheraton was incredible. I swear I washed of the last 3 people who 'touched' me!! (Paraphrased that one) lol.
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