September 30, 2007

A friend to the homeless

This is a story I'm not exactly proud of, but in my defense anything I did was with good intentions, or plain old stupidity. I had to share the story, because only I would do something as insensitive and stupid as this.

Whilst walking down Brick Lane in London the girls and I were approached by a homeless person asking for some money. He was actually pretty funny, he said "Can you spare 700 pounds for a flight to the Caribbean, or some change for some food". The girls and I giggled and I would have given him something, but I honestly didn't have anything other then a 20 pound note on me.... here's where I turn into an asshole. Rather then saying "No sorry" I chose to elaborate and said, "Sorry, I don't have any change right now, maybe after dinner." I KNOW!! Who does that. I was mortified, but I wasn't alone, as we walked away, me with my head down in shame, Spongey said "Get home safely". Seriously we aren't mean people, we don't like to kick you when you are down, we were trying to be sincere and nice and instead we were jerks, and that wasn't the end of it. Yes, hard to believe there is more.

On route home now walking down some street I can't remember I see a Starbucks Coffee cup sitting on the ground ahead. Being the silly fun person I am I ran at full speed toward the cup and gave it a swift kick. Nothing came out of the cup thankfully, but it did roll it's way to the homeless person nestled in the alley way. I can only assume that was his collection cup.

I have since donated all my savings to the homeless people of London out of guilt and shame. To support the cause please feel free to send donations :-)

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