January 10, 2007

Urban Dictionary

So the other day I was IMing with a friend and I accidentally called her Craxy, I meant of course to call her Crazy. Her idea was to google 'Craxy' and see what it meant, and this is what she found in the Urban Dictionary. There are actually 6 definitions but these were the two favourites.

1) One who is so beyond sexy that they are crazy sexy. (DC's fav)
2) A mixture of crazy and crack. A kind of crazy to indicate that one might be on crack. (my fav)

I enjoyed that so much that I went hunting for other funny definitions. You can check them out at Urban Dictionary http://www.urbandictionary.com

Here are a List of my favourites.

  1. Aardsma
  2. Dadcake
  3. Gibungus (a word I frequently use)
  4. Hasselhoffing
  5. Kitch
  6. Pachinki
  7. Shmagoo
  8. Tabish
  9. Wordanista (thank you Steven Colbert)
  10. 4:20

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