Blue Mountain, Collingwood
So yesterday my friend Tall Drink (with me to the right) tried to teach me how to snow board. I met him up at Blue Mountain, but he was a bit late, so by the time he got there I'd had a few drinks... probably one too many. Regardless, I still wanted to try and board.
I got out there, and the hardest part was standing up, likely as I was hammered. Once I got on my feet it was down hill (literally) so a good thing. I went down, mostly on my ass, but I went down about 8 times. I F'n loved it. I was much better when I was holding on to Tall Drink (for dear life). I loved going fast and straight down the hill, turning one way was fine (I want to say heal edge), the other and I fell (toe edge?). Knocked Tall Drink on his butt quite a few times too.
Anyway, I am now a snowboarder (or at least someone who wants to be) so if anyone wants to go with me let me know! I'm up for it.
Oh and P.S. Happy Birthday Tall Drink!!!