Ode to the City I love...
I recently returned from a fabulous trip to NYC July 13-16th for the Lovely LGS's Birthday. Here are some of the highlights...
Thursday we arrive, me in I
NY garb of course, and began the day shopping and wandering the city. What a beautiful day. It was hot but not too hot to enjoy the streets of SoHo.
I recently returned from a fabulous trip to NYC July 13-16th for the Lovely LGS's Birthday. Here are some of the highlights...
Thursday we arrive, me in I

Thursday night we went to Stereo. Don't remember the music, I want to say top 40 dance, but I do remember the dancing. I also remember the 21 year old boys... nice. Everyone was ready to go by 3 am (earlier than usual) so we thought we'd take a ride to Time Square! Mostly for DC as it was her first time in NYC but a little for us to. Whilst we were stumbling through the streets in Time Square we ran into New York's Finest... and Damn were they fine! They were kind enough not to arrest us and even pose for pictures. (Strange I remember a similar story on my birthday, in fact I didn't even come up with original wording. Note to self, buy a thesaurus)
Friday was a full day of adventure... with different agendas the gang split up the entire city was hit by us Torontonians. My day started forcing Vitamin Waters down DC's throat to help cure her hangover, and the afternoon was spent sitting in Washington Park observing the 'real' New Yorkers. My favourite NYer of the day was the 'Asshole you'd see on American Idol' to quote LGS, dancing and singing to Samantha Fox' 'Touch me'.
Friday night was a smaller crowd, not many could make it out after a lovely dinner in Little Italy dinner and the party from the night before. TG, LGS and I however were able to hit our favourite city again. Hell we were only there for 4 days, we'll sleep when we're dead. I don't remember the name of the first place we went to, but I remember that Laura and I headed to our fall back 'Lotus' at about 3 am. I was also able to charm the bouncer into letting us in for free. ABC Baby ABC.
Saturday NSF organized a picnic in Central Park for LGS... although it started a bit late, it was nice, we had tons of food and even booze. Once we were all a bit tipsy and full of grub we separated again and met back at the hotel in the early evening to prepare for the birthday girls dinner in Bed, the restaurant.
Bed was fun, in fact at one point I looked over at LGS and said
"If I die tomorrow you can tell my mother I died happy" seriously I couldn't get my giant grin off my face all night. The novelty of being in bed surprisingly didn't wear-off until our bed was soaked with booze and food, but that wasn't until 4:30 am when the bouncers had to pull us out of bed. There were 8 of us there in total, but by the end of the night only 4 of us were left standing Me, LGS, TG and E.
The four of us wandered out into the streets to find a cab, and ended up hitching a ride in a limo. I thought we were going home, which I wasn't ready for, but I just went with the flow. When we got out of the limo we weren't home, nope, we were at an afterhours! Yeah! We got to dance more. We stayed at the afterhours until about 9:00 am when we all wandered home for a nap.
Sunday LGS, DC and I decided we had to go for a carriage ride in Central Park before having to head home.
The weekend was fabulous. The most fun I have ever had in NYC, I blame my company for that. Remember if I die tomorrow, I died happy ;-)
Friday night was a smaller crowd, not many could make it out after a lovely dinner in Little Italy dinner and the party from the night before. TG, LGS and I however were able to hit our favourite city again. Hell we were only there for 4 days, we'll sleep when we're dead. I don't remember the name of the first place we went to, but I remember that Laura and I headed to our fall back 'Lotus' at about 3 am. I was also able to charm the bouncer into letting us in for free. ABC Baby ABC.
Bed was fun, in fact at one point I looked over at LGS and said

The four of us wandered out into the streets to find a cab, and ended up hitching a ride in a limo. I thought we were going home, which I wasn't ready for, but I just went with the flow. When we got out of the limo we weren't home, nope, we were at an afterhours! Yeah! We got to dance more. We stayed at the afterhours until about 9:00 am when we all wandered home for a nap.

The weekend was fabulous. The most fun I have ever had in NYC, I blame my company for that. Remember if I die tomorrow, I died happy ;-)