We left at 4 am from TO... 8.5 Hours, 4 stops (due to AJP's bladder) a short train ride and Voila! NYC! Sun shinning, birds chirping, smiles all round. Friday afternoon in NYC ... what could be better?
2 days, 4 bars, David Blane in a Fishbowl & club sandwiches at for breakfast, that's what.
We couldn't have asked for a better weekend. The weather was extremely warm for May. Our accommodations were pretty good... no Ritz Carlton, but nice. We stayed at the

Saturday AJP and I got up early (10 am) and walked south toward the water to take the Staten Island Ferry and see Miss. Liberty. The ride was nice, the scenery was great. Manhattan is such a little island and has so much in it to love. It was nice to look at it from a distance. Afterward we joined LGS and TG in Washington Square park to people watch. Once the sun began to set we headed back to the hotel to get ready for our night out.
Saturday night we went to this rock/80's bar that I can't remember the name of.
Afterwards LGS and I went to Lotus and let the boys go somewhere on their own ... http://www.worldsbestbars.com/city/new-york/lotus-new-york.htm .
The night was great! We all got home around 5 or 6 am but not before seeing David Blaine, ate and then crashed. The usual.
Sunday was a sad day, as we had to leave. We went to Pastis in the Meat packing district for
It was a brilliant weekend, I am so glad LGS suggested it. Thanks Babe.